[][src]Struct web3::api::Eth

pub struct Eth<T> { /* fields omitted */ }

Eth namespace


impl<T: Transport> Eth<T>[src]

pub fn accounts(&self) -> CallFuture<Vec<Address>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get list of available accounts.

pub fn block_number(&self) -> CallFuture<U64, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get current block number

pub fn call(
    req: CallRequest,
    block: Option<BlockId>
) -> CallFuture<Bytes, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Call a constant method of contract without changing the state of the blockchain.

pub fn coinbase(&self) -> CallFuture<Address, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get coinbase address

pub fn compile_lll(&self, code: String) -> CallFuture<Bytes, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Compile LLL

pub fn compile_solidity(&self, code: String) -> CallFuture<Bytes, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Compile Solidity

pub fn compile_serpent(&self, code: String) -> CallFuture<Bytes, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Compile Serpent

pub fn estimate_gas(
    req: CallRequest,
    block: Option<BlockNumber>
) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Call a contract without changing the state of the blockchain to estimate gas usage.

pub fn gas_price(&self) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get current recommended gas price

pub fn balance(
    address: Address,
    block: Option<BlockNumber>
) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get balance of given address

pub fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> CallFuture<Vec<Log>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get all logs matching a given filter object

pub fn block(&self, block: BlockId) -> CallFuture<Option<Block<H256>>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get block details with transaction hashes.

pub fn block_with_txs(
    block: BlockId
) -> CallFuture<Option<Block<Transaction>>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get block details with full transaction objects.

pub fn block_transaction_count(
    block: BlockId
) -> CallFuture<Option<U256>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get number of transactions in block

pub fn code(
    address: Address,
    block: Option<BlockNumber>
) -> CallFuture<Bytes, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get code under given address

pub fn compilers(&self) -> CallFuture<Vec<String>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get supported compilers

pub fn chain_id(&self) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get chain id

pub fn request_accounts(&self) -> CallFuture<Vec<Address>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get available user accounts. This method is only available in the browser. With MetaMask, this will cause the popup that prompts the user to allow or deny access to their accounts to your app.

pub fn storage(
    address: Address,
    idx: U256,
    block: Option<BlockNumber>
) -> CallFuture<H256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get storage entry

pub fn transaction_count(
    address: Address,
    block: Option<BlockNumber>
) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get nonce

pub fn transaction(
    id: TransactionId
) -> CallFuture<Option<Transaction>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get transaction

pub fn transaction_receipt(
    hash: H256
) -> CallFuture<Option<TransactionReceipt>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get transaction receipt

pub fn uncle_header(
    block: BlockId,
    index: Index
) -> CallFuture<Option<BlockHeader>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get uncle header by block ID and uncle index.

This method is meant for TurboGeth compatiblity, which is missing transaction hashes in the response.

pub fn uncle(
    block: BlockId,
    index: Index
) -> CallFuture<Option<Block<H256>>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get uncle by block ID and uncle index -- transactions only has hashes.

pub fn uncle_count(&self, block: BlockId) -> CallFuture<Option<U256>, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get uncle count in block

pub fn work(&self) -> CallFuture<Work, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get work package

pub fn hashrate(&self) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get hash rate

pub fn mining(&self) -> CallFuture<bool, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get mining status

pub fn new_block_filter(&self) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Start new block filter

pub fn new_pending_transaction_filter(&self) -> CallFuture<U256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Start new pending transaction filter

pub fn protocol_version(&self) -> CallFuture<String, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Start new pending transaction filter

pub fn send_raw_transaction(&self, rlp: Bytes) -> CallFuture<H256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Sends a rlp-encoded signed transaction

pub fn send_transaction(
    tx: TransactionRequest
) -> CallFuture<H256, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Sends a transaction transaction

pub fn sign(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> CallFuture<H520, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Signs a hash of given data

pub fn submit_hashrate(&self, rate: U256, id: H256) -> CallFuture<bool, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Submit hashrate of external miner

pub fn submit_work(
    nonce: H64,
    pow_hash: H256,
    mix_hash: H256
) -> CallFuture<bool, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Submit work of external miner

pub fn syncing(&self) -> CallFuture<SyncState, T::Out>

Notable traits for CallFuture<T, F>

impl<T, F> Future for CallFuture<T, F> where
    T: DeserializeOwned,
    F: Future<Output = Result<Value>>, 
type Output = Result<T>;

Get syncing status

Trait Implementations

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Eth<T>[src]

impl<T: Debug> Debug for Eth<T>[src]

impl<T: Transport> Namespace<T> for Eth<T>[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<T> RefUnwindSafe for Eth<T> where
    T: RefUnwindSafe

impl<T> Send for Eth<T> where
    T: Send

impl<T> Sync for Eth<T> where
    T: Sync

impl<T> Unpin for Eth<T> where
    T: Unpin

impl<T> UnwindSafe for Eth<T> where
    T: UnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,